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Backing the brave
Investing in teams and ideas that dare to be different

Ventured Synergy is a private investment firm that focuses
on early-stage venture investments. 

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Ventured Synergy, a privately-held investment holding company, focuses on propelling high-potential, early-stage startups towards success.

Our investments are targeted at startups that not only demonstrate the potential for rapid market share acquisition but also promise a robust return on investment. This necessitates a unique product or service, a solid market position, and a sustainable advantage. Above all, we firmly believe that a dynamic, strong team is essential to effectively deliver and execute innovative ideas. Hence, we commit our investments to exceptional individuals spearheading groundbreaking technologies and disruptive business models.


We generally invest alongside angel investors and other Venture Capital seed-funds. Our initial cheque size varies from $25k to $300k.

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Our portfolio companies are filled with innovators who create opportunity. We strive to partner with leaders who challenge the status quo and spur growth. 

Here are some of our portfolio companies:


Empower Your Journey

Connect with us to discuss how our investment and insight can fuel the journey of your venture.

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7-501 Lacolle Way, Ottawa, ON, K4A 5B6

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